Saturday 30 April 2016

Module review for my Year 2 Semester 2 modules

Year 2 Semester 2

I did surprisingly not-too-bad for this semester, contrary to my predictions. Oo maybe this time my grades aren't enough to qualify for the dean's list, but I'm pretty much satisfied with it :)

If you wish for me to have this reviewed, do drop your request in the comments and I will do it up soon!


  1. Hi, do you mind doing a review on GET1004? I'm considering to take this module but I'm afraid that it might be too heavy.

    1. Hello, thank you for reading my blog. I've added the review for GET1004. The workload is manageable in my opinion :)

  2. Hi senior! :P Could you review BN3501? I think I'm gonna take it next sem

    1. Hi Nanda, I've put up the review as requested. All the best!

  3. Hi senior, i'm considering between mechanical and Biomedical which should i take?

    1. Thank you for reading my blog. It really depends on your interest and inclination. They are 2 really different courses in terms of content and job prospects. I can't compare apples and oranges.

  4. Hi Senior, would you recommend taking biomedical engineering and then a minor in pharmaceutical science? or a minor in another science subject?

    1. Hi, personally I don't believe in minors, thats why I didn't take up minor in computing. Hence I can't really advice which is better. Sorry

    2. Do you then advice taking maybe BME with a second major in a science subject? and can I declare this once I get into NUS year 1?

    3. My personal take: I wouldn't take a 2nd major or a minor if they pull my grades down. Take it if you are already clear with what job you wish to pursue and the 2nd major really is of use to it. But I only became clear with my job direction in year 4... Dont make it a waste of effort which affects ur time for ur main major.

      Not too sure how 2nd major applications work, but its definitely more impactful than a minor, which are just 2 extra words in ur transcript
